
作者:小朗老师来源:朗阁教育时间:2020-12-28 09:37:18


Part 2  Top 20高频话题

1. Describe a person you know who is intelligent.聪明的人

2. Describe a person who is openly. 坦率的人

3. Describe a person who is full of energy.有活力的人

4. Describe an occasion when you wasted your time.浪费时间

5. Describe a time you first communicated with others in a foreign language.外语交流

6. Describe a (long) car journey you went on.开车旅行

7. Describe a good decision you made recently.好决定

8. Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed with your friends.享受的晚餐

9. Describe a time when you saw a child behaved badly in public places. 熊*

10. Describe something you enjoy doing with a group of people.团队活动

11. Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you made.失败*习

12. Describe a time when you worked in a group.团队合作

13. Describe a photograph you like.照片

14. Describe an area of science you are interested in (e.g. biology, physics, chemistry, etc.). 科学领域

15. Describe a movie that made you think a lot.电影

16. Describe a book you read that you found useful. 有用的书

17. Describe a movie that made you laugh.发笑

18. Describe a city or town you enjoyed visiting and would like to visit again.再去的地方

19. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution. 被污染的地方

20. Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about.想了解的其他国家

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